Once we got out of NY -- things were good. We finally felt like we were headed WEST. The twilight zone is real and I could hear Rod Sterlings voice in my head. We left on July 3rd and went to Todd's cabin in NY for the night, then to MA. For the kick-off event, then back to Sayre -- which is actually in PA but barely. We stopped for fuel at the exact gas station in Nichol's that we did 2 days before, my GPS had a blue line, I had already been here. Just tried to type the theme song for the twilight zone out and failed......... Tired.
So much to say but exhausted -- will have to wax philosophically about the differences between solo riding and group riding another time.
Quick notes on yesterday's ride. Beautiful morning ride on "Jacob's Ladder" U.S. 20. It runs through the foothills of the Berkshires in western MA. I wanted to stop and get a picture and pulled off - there was a bit of a hill, so thinking of 9R on her big hog, now officially named "Betty the Beast", I keep on going down and pulled off on level ground. I thought she would follow me --- not. Betty went over........ Guess who is to blame...... Lol. Luckily the scout rider for the group ( we are self guided) came by and helped us get her up. She is a big girl.
We took a short detour outside of Schenectady to go visit Lisa's Aunt Fran and Uncle Dody. She hasn't seen them in 25 yrs. It was so great! Fun back roads, felt like going home. Seriously. Welcoming,natural and easy. Good stuff!! It was touching to see the long hugs as we said goodbye.
Good Night........ And quick question --- who brings a back scratcher on a cross country trip? 9R ---- YES.
I completely forgot about the highlight of our day ---- we met Punxsutawney Phil. See photo at top.